Presentation: Tweet"The Apache Way"
The Apache Software Foundation is one of the largest open-source foundations - home to more than 90 independent projects, as well as almost 60 "incubating" projects.
One of the key goals of incubation is to learn about and adapt to "The Apache Way", a social and community-oriented set of structures and norms that help to characterize a successful Apache project.
This talk will take you on a journey along the Apache Way. We'll go from the history of the Foundation and the way it was set up, past the licensing philosophy at Apache, all the way to business models common around Apache projects. And of course, we'll look at how individuals can contribute in many different ways to an Apache project
Although it is built on many years of participation at the Apache Software Foundation, The Apache Way is a journey, and there are many paths. There will be plenty of time for discussion and questions, of course!
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